Lilia Litkovskaya

Досьє украинского дизайнера

Ірина Худа
Ірина Худа
13 лютого 2013, 13:00

Known for: recognizable minimalist style, its own production of shoes and accessories than can boast, not all Ukrainian designers.

Trends experience: hef first collection launched in 2006 in the framework of Ukrainian Fashion Week, has since been a regular participant of fashion weeks. Since 2009, after the discovery of his own independent studio, the designer produces 4 collections per year, as well as a second line of casual wear.

Where to buy:

SHOWROOM LITKOVSKAYA: Str. Degtyarevskaya, 7B, tel. (044) 483-56-29, (050) 242-57-57 - a report from the showroom can be viewed here.

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