Andre Tan

Досьє українського дизайнера

Олена Вандзеляк
Олена Вандзеляк
13 лютого 2013, 12:50

Known for: follows the rules' success - is one percent talent and ninety-nine percent of the labor. " He created his own style, called Smart Couture. In one of his hits participated Paris Hilton.

Trends experience: ANDRE TAN history of the brand began in 1999. Designer collections were presented not only in Ukraine but also in Russia, Germany, Latvia, Bahrain, China. At Ukrainian Fashion Week brand was first introduced in 2002. In Milan showroom Brilliants brand ANDRE TAN presented a number of clothing Jean-Paul Gaultier.

Where to buy: m. Kyiv, str. Sribnokilskaya 14a, 1 entrance, 19th floor, (044) 569-84-82.

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