Yulia Polishchuk

Досьє українського дизайнера

Олена Вандзеляк
Олена Вандзеляк
12 лютого 2013, 10:00

Known for: the designer brand of English MissU, which is based in London.

Trends experience: her collection was shown at the Cannes Film Festival and at the charity fashion show in London. In 2012 Yulia Polishchuk founded her own brand of fashionable women's clothing MissU. In the name of Ukraine Yulia Polishchuk first thundered on the 30th anniversary Ukraine Fashion Week in March 2012, where she presented a collection of "I am Real", which is currently represented in the store, "Maisternia design odyagu" in Kiev. In the nearest plans of Yulia Polishchuk - participated in the London Fashion Week and the opening of Corner in Europe - Stockholm, Antwerp and London.

Where to buy: Str. Bogomoletz 7/14.

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13 лютого 2013, 10:22

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